Join Eden for A Taco Throwdown
What better way to celebrate the Cinco de Mayo holiday than a tequila-fueled taco throwdown of proportions?!

Tequila Corralejo & Emporium Popups are proud to present a 5 night “pop-up” event featuring eight of Chicago’s finest chefs/restaurants going head-to-head for the title of Taqueria Throwdown Champion!
Each night from May 1st through May 4th, two chefs will face-off against each other in a one night, one taco battle where YOU get to be the judge & pick the winner based off popular vote!
May 1st — “The Fanciest Face-Off”
* mfk. vs Eden in Chicago
May 2nd — “The Battle For Wicker Park”
* Antique Taco vs The Delta
May 3rd — “The Clash of California Ave”
* Quiote vs Old Habits at Ludlow Liquors
May 4th — “The Fusion Food Fray”
* #KevoCooks vs Seoul Taco
For each night’s battle, guests will purchase a ticket good for 1 taco from each competitor & a Tequila Corralejo cocktail. This ticket will be accompanied by a token, which each guest will deposit into their favorite competitor’s jar. Food will be served from 6pm through roughly 9pm nightly. At the end of service each night, the votes will be tallied & the head-to-head winner will be announced.
At the finale party on Cinco de Mayo (aka: May 5th), the four “winning” competitors will find out who will be taking home the top three prizes & the title of grand taco champion! Hope to see you there! For more information check out the Facebook page for the event.